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When your employees are fulfilled,

you win too.


We empower HR and executive leaders to build thriving workplaces and drive company success.



UNfulfilled employees are leaving your company.


Or worse, they are staying.



of workers are willing to consider lower pay for a more fulfilling job.


of workers want fulfilling work (only 28% want engaging work).


of workers would consider an offer for a more fulfilling job.


of execs are seriously considering quitting for a job that better supports their well-being.

CECP, Imperative, PwC's Fulfillment at Work Survey, November 2018/Deloitte and Workplace Intelligence Survey, February 2022

"People who live their purpose at work are more productive than people who don’t. They are also healthier, more resilient, and more likely to stay at the company."

- McKinsey & Company, 2021

Fulfilled employees don’t just meet expectations—they exceed them.

The old saying holds true: "Take care of your people, and they'll take care of your business."

Unfulfilled employees are unproductive, dissatisfied, and disengaged. They're often on their way out the door, spreading negativity about your organization as they go.

On the other hand, employees whose work aligns with their skills, passions, and talents aren't just productive—they're enthusiastic, effective, and loyal. They become champions of your brand and are deeply committed to your vision.

Creating a fulfilling workplace is more than just a nice idea—it's a critical business strategy. Gallup even calls employee wellbeing "the other stock price for organizations." Simply put, prioritizing employee fulfillment is a requirement to compete and win in the modern economy. 

But what does this look like in practice? How do you consistently measure and achieve employee fulfillment? We're so glad you asked! This is where we excel. We specialize in transforming the concept of employee fulfillment into a tangible business advantage, equipping you with top-tier data to make the right calls when it comes to your people. 


How we help:

HR Data & People Analytics

Get a clear view of your employees' wellbeing and potential.

When you have good data, you make good decisions. With our help, you no longer have to "play hunches" when it comes to HR decisions. Our unmatched assessments and tools give you a clear view of your employees' stress level, role alignment, and long-term potential. When the data reveals pain points, we'll help you get everyone back on track. 


Candidate Selection

Hire and promote the right people - every time.

The smartest and nicest person is not always the most successful. That's why our competitors who rely on skills- and personality-based assessments often get it wrong. We utilize unbiased, EEOC-compliant assessments that measure something different - that is, how people naturally operate. This unique measure is highly accurate at predicting who will perform well. That means you can say hello to confident hiring decisions and goodbye to high turnover. 


Learning & Development

Invest in your team, so they want to stay and grow.

Today's workforce craves growth and development. So let's give it to them! We provide engaging, impactful workshops that develop your team's capabilities and improve their long-term performance. Your ho-hum employees will become loyal employees when they experience your commitment to their growth and wellbeing. 


Executive and 1:1 Coaching

Support your team members in reaching their fullest potential.

We provide personalized support to your employees with our fully-customized coaching programs. This takes the pressure off of managers who can't always give the 1:1 attention their direct reports need. And for your executives who carry the weight of the company's future on their shoulders, we provide a trusted, private sounding board that empowers them to lead confidently. 


Our Founder:

Emily Melious


Emily Melious is a SHRM-SCP and Certified Kolbe Consultant with nearly two decades of experience in HR. She developed The Fulfillment Formula™️ and has been the guest expert on 25+ podcasts. Her client portfolio includes Global 500 companies, Fortune 100 companies, private colleges, non-profits, and top international executives. 

Emily is not just passionate about HR, she's downright obsessed with fulfillment. She's seen, firsthand, how the right work environment can accelerate growth, unleash employee potential, and supercharge organizations. 

She founded Launch Consulting in 2007 with the mission to make work inspiring, rewarding, and fulfilling for everyone. Emily looks forward to helping you create an extraordinary workplace where your team can truly thrive.

What Clients Are Saying

We pride ourselves in having repeat clients. Our work is so powerful that clients keep coming back. That says a lot. 

"Working with Emily is some of the best money I’ve ever spent as a CEO. The value comes not only from her expertise – which is deep and vast – but her laser insight into a company’s health and her understanding of what people, including C-Suite, need to succeed. The work Emily did with us was incredibly eye-opening and potent. It’s well beyond anything traditional ‘HR’ might bring to mind. Emily is a true accelerator for organizational growth and sustainability.​"

Tasha Gideon

CEO, Verrah

"The value that our partnership with Emily has brought to our organization cannot be overstated. Her in-depth analysis and insights provided us with a clear roadmap for improvement, highlighting areas where we were excelling and identifying opportunities for growth and enhancement. Her recommendations were practical, actionable, and aligned with our organizational goals. 

Implementing the suggested changes has had a profound impact on our HR practices and the overall functioning of our organization. We have witnessed increased efficiency, lower turnover, and improved employee satisfaction. I highly recommend Emily to any organization seeking to optimize their HR function. Her expertise, professionalism, and dedication to delivering exceptional results have been invaluable to us. Our partnership with Emily has been a game-changer.

Tracy Taylor

HR Director, Marmon/Keystone

"Emily is impressive. She helped our team zero in on our individual unique abilities and intuitively AND scientifically align/rearrange each of our activities and roles, so we performed more powerfully together. Results were evident immediately, and each member had a new sense of purpose and clarity in what their strengths and best contributions are to the business. It was if Emily gave me a lens that revealed a whole new insight and understanding in the unique strengths of my staff – and myself as a leader. I use it as a great predictor when hiring new people – and accepting new clients!”

Brian Cubarney

CEO, ClearBrands

"We grew annual sales from $10 million to $40 million in no small part to greater understanding of employees’ conative bent and approach to productivity." 

Fred Baker

CEO, Baker Installations

"I personally found it fascinating, eye-opening, and extremely relevant to how we put our office staff together. We are all working more in the area of our Unique Value. We have a better understanding of how to work together as a team. We found an understanding of how to better segregate our work tasks. We are more productive in our individual tasks and more satisfied to be doing so.”

Caroline Rearick

Financial Advisor, Prudential Financial

"Emily has played an integral part in helping us grow our firm in an optimal manner. Her keen insights into the makeup of our current employees allows us to be smarter with our hiring decisions. Her analysis is invaluable to helping us build a better team.”

Bill Belko

Chief Investment Officer, Bill Belko & Associates

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